
  • Midterm Exam Content
  •   Ch0: 0.1-0.3

    Sets of Real Numbers, Exponents and Radicals

      Ch0: 0.4-0.6

    Algebraic Expressions, Factoring

      Ch0: 0.7, 0.8

    Linear Equations

      Ch1: 1.2, 1.4

    Linear Inequalities

      Ch2: 2.1-2.3

    Functions, Combination of Functions

      Ch2: 2.4, 2.5

    Inverse Functions, Graphs of Functions


    Ch3: 3.1, 3.3


    Ch4: 4.1-4.4  Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, Graphs, Properties, Solving Exponential  and Logarithmic Equations

    Lines and Linear Functions, Quadratic functions.







    Final Exam Content:  

    Ch4: 4.1-4.4  Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, Graphs, Properties, Solving Exponential  and Logarithmic Equations

    Ch6: 6.1-6.6  Matrices, Equality of matrices, Special Matrices, Matrix Addition and Scalar Multiplication with properties, Matrix Multiplication with properties, Transpose of a Matrix), Solving linear systems with Matrix Reduction Method, Finding Inverse Matrix, Determinant and its properties, Adjoint Matrix, Cramer's Rule.
